Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Update: March 2012

We have been having production meetings discussing the future of our 2 bigger projects at the moment, getting outlines and scripts together tO start laying out budgets and schedules.

On a personal note, I had an old friend who I thought I would never even consider talking to again re-enter my life and they have been making me feel better than I have In months, and I am very grateful for that.

On a gaming note...I have a few series of games I'm finally replaying and/or catching up on. Such as Resident Evil and Silent Hill. Also, am loving Mass Effect 3 and picked up a copy of Skylanders today. When I'm done with it I will likely pass it on to my nephew.

-Jonathon B. Lemnoch
March 28, 2012

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Studio updates:

  • Due to a lack of funding, all projects have been placed on hold outside of writing.
  • Currently writing a romantic comedy geared more towards guys.
  • Over the next month we will be acquiring some new equipment to begin making short videos. (could be the beginnings of FS4C)
  • We will unfortunately not be having a booth at Phoenix ComicCon 2012, and there way or may not be members of Killpistol Studios in attendance at Phoenix ComicCon 2012.
Gaming updates:
  • Got a 3DS over the holidays, and have been enjoying it.
  • Skyrim has been quite fun and has taken up a lot of free time, as well as the more recently released title in my collection, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
  • Finally got a new PC up and running and have been running through a Barbarian in Diablo 2 and have been playing Minecraft (look for videos with commentary soon)
Personal updates:
  • Recently fell in love with How I Met Your Mother, I find it to be a great show, and I can really identify with the characters.
  • Have been enjoying the latest season of White Collar.
  • Looking into visiting my friend Jared in New York sometime in the next year.
  • Still having a roller-coaster of a time trying to deal with the breakup. Just when I start to think I'm ok, it all comes flooding back for one reason or another.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Missing her today.

We've been broken up for almost a month now, but I'm missing her more than I have since the breakup. I think it's partially because we would have been together for a year and half on the 21st.

I don't think anyone in the world realizes just how much I love her still and will continue to do so. I am truly willing to wait for her as long as it takes.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Again, Been A While

So, that last post wasn't the end of the relationship, but the end did come right before New Year's Eve. So I AM single. I've had a weird time dealing with that. Mainly because in my heart I feel we are meant to be, even after how much time has passed since the breakup.

On a side note, I am currently writing a comedy script, continuing writing a script that I've been writing and tweaking for many years, started a script inspired by the recent breakup (and also inspired by "How I Met Your Mother" one of my new favorite shows), and still trying to get the comic off the ground.

Also, I feel that I should thank my buddies Stiles and Jaeger for being there for me through the breakup and hanging out at least every Friday night. I'd also like to thank all my co-workers who've been keeping my spirits up at work.

I'm also working on getting a few videos recorded on uploaded to YouTube, so be on the lookout for those!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Been a while...

Been a while since my last update, kind of forget I have this thing.

Everything is behind schedule with the company, I hurt my back at work last night, and now, apparently, I'm single.

So tell me, why don't I just give up? All motivation has now left me.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

First Post.

This is the first blog I've ever done. I'll try and post at least weekly, though sometimes that will be difficult due to shooting schedules! So, let's begin!

Killpistol Studios Updates:
     -Finally getting everything set in place and doing what little advertising I can for our premiere project, "Killpistol: A Tale of Ages". List of Official Pages up as of today: Jonathon Lemnoch - Facebook, Killpistol Studios - Facebook, Captain Marchello J. Killpistol - Facebook, Captain Marchello J. Killpistol - Arizona Corsairs, Killpistol Studios - deviantART, and "Killpistol: A Tale of Ages" - Facebook.
     -Still looking for actors to fill in the following roles for Issue 1: Raegan Morganna (Female), Emily Fleauhearty (Female), Receptionist (Male/Female), Bank Manager (Male/Female), and Cab Driver (Male/Female). Anyone interested in these or future roles should e-mail Jonathon Lemnoch at:
     -"Killpistol: A Tale of Ages - #1" due to release on schedule, May 25th.
     -The Killpistol Studios Street Team will be attending the Phoenix ComiCon 2011 May 26th-29th to promote the release of "Killpistol: A Tale of Ages"
     -Work has begun on the script for the pilot episode of a currently untitled comedy web series.

Gaming Updates:
     -Playstation Network has been down since Wednesday...I am getting QUITE annoyed at this.
     -41% Trophies gained so far during my first playthrough of God of War (the first one) on my PS3.
     -Middle of my 3rd playthrough with my 2nd character. I am level 58 with 84,000 experience to go until level 59, trying to hit level 60 before the end, I have approximately 20% left to go.
     -1 achievement away from 100% on Fable. ONE! And NOBODY is aiding in my quest to get all the Legendary Weapons.

Life Updates:
     -My sister and her boyfriend are visiting from out of town for Easter and because a family friend was married yesterday.
     -In just a few hours the love of my life will be coming in to town to go to lunch with my family and meet my sister while she is in town.
     -Finally found a speedometer for my bike, just need to order it!  X^{D}

Well, I believe that's all...for now!