Saturday, April 23, 2011

First Post.

This is the first blog I've ever done. I'll try and post at least weekly, though sometimes that will be difficult due to shooting schedules! So, let's begin!

Killpistol Studios Updates:
     -Finally getting everything set in place and doing what little advertising I can for our premiere project, "Killpistol: A Tale of Ages". List of Official Pages up as of today: Jonathon Lemnoch - Facebook, Killpistol Studios - Facebook, Captain Marchello J. Killpistol - Facebook, Captain Marchello J. Killpistol - Arizona Corsairs, Killpistol Studios - deviantART, and "Killpistol: A Tale of Ages" - Facebook.
     -Still looking for actors to fill in the following roles for Issue 1: Raegan Morganna (Female), Emily Fleauhearty (Female), Receptionist (Male/Female), Bank Manager (Male/Female), and Cab Driver (Male/Female). Anyone interested in these or future roles should e-mail Jonathon Lemnoch at:
     -"Killpistol: A Tale of Ages - #1" due to release on schedule, May 25th.
     -The Killpistol Studios Street Team will be attending the Phoenix ComiCon 2011 May 26th-29th to promote the release of "Killpistol: A Tale of Ages"
     -Work has begun on the script for the pilot episode of a currently untitled comedy web series.

Gaming Updates:
     -Playstation Network has been down since Wednesday...I am getting QUITE annoyed at this.
     -41% Trophies gained so far during my first playthrough of God of War (the first one) on my PS3.
     -Middle of my 3rd playthrough with my 2nd character. I am level 58 with 84,000 experience to go until level 59, trying to hit level 60 before the end, I have approximately 20% left to go.
     -1 achievement away from 100% on Fable. ONE! And NOBODY is aiding in my quest to get all the Legendary Weapons.

Life Updates:
     -My sister and her boyfriend are visiting from out of town for Easter and because a family friend was married yesterday.
     -In just a few hours the love of my life will be coming in to town to go to lunch with my family and meet my sister while she is in town.
     -Finally found a speedometer for my bike, just need to order it!  X^{D}

Well, I believe that's all...for now!